Recently, Lonex has launched a bouquet of new hosting services, among them Virtual Private Servers, Semi-Dedicated and Dedicated Servers. However, now it’s time for a new announcement.
All of you who are selling online and need to secure your order forms or protect any data can now purchase an authorized SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate through Lonex’s Control Panel.
To access the updated SSL section, just log in to your Control Panel and choose SSL from the Site Manager drop down menu:
In the SSL section you will find three tabs:
My Certificates – Here you can review your existing SSL Certificates.
Order Certificate – This is the place where you can order SSL Certificates from. Once you complete the payment, just look forward for the confirmation e-mail to arrive and approve the certificate request prior to receiving the certificate itself.
Generate CSR – Generate a CSR record, which is required by any Certificate Authority in order to provide you with its signature when applying an SSL certificate to your domain name. Here you can also find Video Tutorial and Context Help sections with detailed information about what a CSR record is and how to generate it.
You can find out how to apply your new SSL certificate by visiting our new Knowledge Base located in the Help Center section of your Control Panel.
You will receive more information about the Knowledge Base and about how to use it in one of our next news announcements.